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About Diamond Huang

I discovered my clairsentient abilities when I was in my twenties. Over time, I began to ponder on ways to expand this ability and to put them to good use e.g. integrate into spiritual practices.

I started, through Tarot cards, with learning to understand myself and then, to helping others. In the space of 10 years, I have gradually built a strong foundation by giving intensive readings and gathering experiences along the way. This has also led to opportunities to read for call-in audience on live radio programmes. I began to gain recognition and the title ‘塔羅王子’ (‘Tarot Prince’).

Concurrently, Buddhism (the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition) came into my life. And through the kindness of my Guru, I have received precious teachings, practices, initiations and visited several sacred places in India, Nepal and Bhutan. All these have helped lay the foundation of my holistic practices.

Armed with a burning desire to learn more, I was successively exposed to Astrology, Aura-Soma, other occult practices and energy healing. These fulfill the portion that Buddhism seldom discuss. In the process, I have filtered and kept what is appropriate.

My philosophy is: The one who completes the healing is the recipient. The ones who support the healing session are the light beings. My role as a healer is to facilitate and provide feedback and insight to you wholeheartedly.

Regardless of the healing or guidance method you're drawn to, I believe that you are already prepared to give yourself a new lease of life.

Let us start the journey together.

Experience and qualifications:

King Solomon Lineage RMMS Japan (Rocket Mountain Mystery School )

◆Universal Kabbalah


◆Adam Kadmon I&II

◆Sacred Geometry

◆Inner Channel

◆Gift of Spirit 

◆Holly Temple 

◆Crystal Healing

The Art and Science International Academy of Colour Technologies (A S I A C T)

◆Aura-Soma Practitioner Level 3

◆Colour and Light on the Pathways Level 3

◆Alchemy Bottle

◆Aura-Soma & Family Constellation

◆Aura-Soma & Tree Of Life

◆Aura-Soma & Sensitivity Training

◆Child’s Pallet


◆Medicine Breath Work

Energy Healing

◆Reiki Master

◆Jikiden Reiki

◆Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master

◆Magnified Healing Level III


◆Angel Therapy

◆Connect with your Guardian Angel

◆Archangel’s Energies of Kabbalah

Flower Essences

◆Akasha Beauty Practitioner


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